How to survive the holidays with inflammatory bowel disease?

Christmas Background with English text

Questions related to nutrition are common when talking about inflammatory bowel diseases. This is the only logical thing when we know that the food we consume influences the health of our digestive tract as well as the whole organism. Today we know that nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, increased fat, and many others.

People who suffer from inflammatory bowel diseases are in a difficult position regarding nutrition because their doctors cannot recommend a diet or a way of eating that we can claim will reduce the activity of their disease or maintain remission. The holiday season is challenging because of the many desserts and traditional dishes that test the limits of even the healthiest intestines. Here are some tips on how to “survive” the holidays:

  1. prepare in advance! The end of the year is traditionally reserved not only for family gatherings but also for business gatherings. Several types of food are often served at various receptions, so try to choose some simpler and less spicy dishes. If you are visiting someone, politely ask the host what he intends to prepare and, if necessary, prepare your own snacks.
  2. have a hygiene kit and medicine with you! Wet wipes always come in handy, as well as heartburn, nausea, fast stool, and pain relievers. Of course, in consultation with your doctor.
  3. don’t overdo it with alcohol! Of course, no type of alcoholic drink can be recommended for inflammatory bowel diseases, and they can certainly only contribute to “congestion” in the intestines. Avoid punches as they are a common source of infection.
  4. try to reduce the amount of food you eat per meal and give your intestines a “rest” after the holidays! Take a little bit of everything, that is, stop at two sarmas and two slices of cake, no matter how nice they are. After several days of excesses in eating and drinking, be sure to eat smaller amounts of lighter, less spicy food for a few days.
  5. drink enough water! Hydration is extremely important because, without enough fluid, the intestines cannot do their job. Take into account that alcohol and salty food dehydrate the body, which means that you will need to replenish more fluids. Instead of water, unsweetened herbal tea is a good choice.
  6. take the prescribed therapy regularly! Inflammatory bowel diseases are primarily treated with drugs, while our knowledge about the importance of diet is limited. Do not forget to take therapy with you if you travel.
  7. in agreement with your doctor, try to put the disease into remission! Achieving and maintaining a long-term remission of the disease is the main goal of treatment and will allow your intestines to cope well with the challenges of the holidays. Talk to your doctor about where you are on your therapeutic journey.

Relax and enjoy the holidays in the company of your family and friends!


Dominik Kralj, MD


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How to survive the holidays with inflammatory bowel disease?

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